Half of December has already gone and I still haven't felt the yuletide season. I miss the old times! 
Huge christmas tree for display in the centre of Victoria Square

Santa cluse at David Jones

Rundle Mall

Crystal RedNose Rendear
Christmas carols. Christmas lights. Christmas sales and shopping. Gift-giving. My friends. My family. Last year, I celebrated Christmas with my classmates. My lecturer, Trish Farrow organized a Christmas concert for us.

Pearl, Evelyn, Ida & Me

Santa (Doreen&JoJo),Trish

This year, NOTHING! They all have their own personal program.
What a sad thing. It has been a year since I last celebrated Christmas at home. Last year, I flew back to Kuching to spend the 25th with my relatives, friends and family.
My mum promised me to send me some photos for Christmas celebration at home. Looking forward for it, mum.
Hay, I really miss spending x'mas with my family back home! I still don't know when will I be back for x'mas. This will be my 1st x'mas away from home. But I guess I will be lucky, cause I will spending my time with *him.