I should say bye-bye winter and preparing for the coming of SPRING. I could tell by looking at this awesome scenarios taken @ Hosanna Heights (the place where i used to stay for 2 years), while waiting for Jee.
We went to Cafe Primo for dinner or lunch (i dunno) Ordered Porterhouse(500g of steak+salad+chips) & fish n chips each. hahah... plus free pancake and & 5 bucks garlic bread. == Cant really finish it at last.
Omg!!! Just found out that one of my resident @ my workplace has just pass away. God! How many elderly person do You wanna take with You in Heaven? I'm not blaming God, going to Heaven is a good Thing, but they are just too lovely to be with. Rest in Peace! Lucky I was not on the spot when she pass away, if not, for human sack i'm too emotional.
Gonna revise SBO2 topic 1-3. Quiz tomorrow, damn thing. I HATE QUIZ, TEST, EXAM, ASSESSMENTSSSSSS, ASSIGNMENTSSSSS V V V MUCH(you name it). Who can gimme confident n donate some 'hardworking cells' to me? ==
This blog has been 'dead' for while and needs some update. My life these days has been filled with assignments, Facebook games - Mafia wars, barn buddy, pet society and friends for sale. Thanks to all my friends who invite/teaching me how to play those games and made me kinda addicted to it. -..-'
I should put all these stupid and childish games a side and start doing my 2nd assignment-due Fri 1600pm sharp!!!
I can tell ya i slept very 'early' in the morning these days! Reason: I usually sleep late in the afternoon ( 1630pm ) then wake up (without alarm) without realizing was already 2000 when I opened my eyesss. @_@ 20_00 <--- yea right. When it comes to the time 'to sleep', my eyes will only fell sleepy and puffy @2-3am. It's not that I'm having insomnia, but I really can't help it when ya ask me lying on bed that early. NO WAY I JUST CANT DO IT!
SMS Ying Ing just now. "Asleep yet?"
Few minutes later...
Ing:"You are not sleeping yet meh?" Me:"No la, still farming here." Ing:"Wah!So hardworking." Me:"Going lecture tomorrow?" Ing:"Should be." Me:=.=" Dont leave me alone" Ing:"Ok lah...give me a wake up call when u get up."
Status: sleeping mood! Night and early good morning to everyone on earth!
Friday, August 21, 2009
My birthday is finally over!
Kind of sad cause dint do much for my birthday.
I had to rush to Uni library just after a classmate of mine called me URGENTLY, asking 'how come you dint turn up? we are all waiting for you' (speaking in Mandarin). I was like, 'what the...'.
So got there at 1000am, park my car, paid $2- just until 1030am. Went to the library just to practice our presentation for 15 min. WTH wasting my money. == Nvm donation for the government to make more parking space.
Then went back home a while, settled down, on FB, bought birthday cake at Firle Plaza. =)
After class, my friends came over to my place to have a party with me. We have pizza, vodka, bak-kut-teh, steamboat etc. It's... fun though.
Once more, I saw this taggy thinggy in someone's blog (not letting anyone know), and I decided to tag myself AGAIN == I felt goof, so I tag myself.muahaha... Bear with me, this takes LONG! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) If your lover betrayed you, what would your reaction be? - Bear with him first, but if he repeat it again, NO MERCY!
2) If you have a dream to come true, what would it be? - Just have my birthday yesterday, HAHAHA. GET THE MAZDA 3. (I swear)
3) Are u sleepy now? - Nope!
4) Are u confused with what lies ahead of you? - Nope!
5) What's your ideal lover like? - Rich? haha =)
6) Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone? - Being loved by someone.
7) What is the one thing that pisses you off about the opposite sex? - Waste money on other girls, flirting around, play-boy, drink n drunk.
8) How far will you go for the one you love the most? - End of my life?
9) Is there anything that makes you unhappy these days? - Yessssss...
10.What is your favorite fairytale of all time and why? - I dont really like fairytale. They are all bullshit n cheating small kids!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 ) Are you allowed to have a bf/gf? - I'm old enough to have one. =)
2 ) Describe urself in one word. - Humor. xD
3 ) Who would you pick, someone who really loves you, or the one you love? - The second one.
4 ) Have you ever loved someone BEFORE but never had the courage to tell him/her? - No. hahaha
5 ) Does it feel good to love? - No really.
6 ) God is giving u just 5 more minutes to live, IF you love someone special what will you say to that person? - You will be in my heart now n forever.
7 ) What will you say to someone who doesn't want to believe you?? - It's up to you.Believe or not it's yr choice.
8 ) Was ever a time that you tried to learn to love someone? - Yes!
9 ) What' your opinion about someone who's jealous? - No idea!
10 ) What can you say about playboys/playgirls? - Playboy = cute brand - Playgirl= imitate playboy
[[ * PART 2 * ]] 1 ) Best place to cry? - Under my blanket.
2 ) Who do you love the most? - Me n my loves one. My parents + didi for sure.
3 ) Tell us ur dream last night? - I had an episode of dream last night. Can't even remember one. LOL
4) Ever hated someone so bad? - That was in primary school, childish kind of hate. Naughty me. =)
5 ) The biggest & most hurtful lie you heard? - You were just playing with my feelings.
[[ * LAST PERSON... * ]] :: had a beer with? - With a crowd of friends (birthday party mah) :: went to the movies with? - *him :: talked on the cell phone with? - Phoebe :: u hugged? - *him :: u yelled at? - can't recall
[[ * IN THE LAST WEEK HAVE YOU...* ]] >> Kissed sumone? - Yessss >> Sing/sung/song? - Nope! >> Danced crazy? - Nope!
// Think of the last time u were angry, why were u angry? - He brought away 2 boxes of pizza to the sch, I wanted to eat in the morning + I was so hungry. but nvm...
// You will die in 3 mins. Last call? - Mama + papa
// If you could do anything OR wish anything, wad would it be? - Wish to have a Mazda 3 =p
// Would you or have you ever blackmailed someone? - Nop.
// Are you old fashioned? - Nop.
// What would be harder for you, to tell someone you love them or that you do not love them back? - I do not love them back.
// What things would be the hardest thing for you to give up on? - Eating? LOL
7 Facts About Me 1. Love fashion 2. Love to spend 3. Love money 4. Do not like to cook! (in fact I have to) 5. Get jealous easily 6. Have a nice voice, can sing well =p 7. Do not like to study
7 Things That Scares Me 1. EXAMS 2. ASSIGNMENTS 3. Poor! 4. Jobless. 5. Scolded. 6. Studies, scare to fail. 7. No one love me!
7 Songs Playing in My Head Lately 1. Jai ho! - PCD 2. Sad because I'm stupid - SS501 3. Down - Jay Sean 4. How you love me now - Hey Monday 5. Zero gravity - David Archuleta 6. Dangerous - Akon 7. For the record - Mariah Carey
7 Valuable Things in My Life 1. money 2. Love 3. Family 4. Friendship 5. Health 6. Fashion 7. Marriage 7 Words/Things I Always Use/Say 1. swt -.-" 2. Lip balm 3. Cell phone 4. Computer 5. Ipod 6. baka 7. LOL
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now feel free to tag yrself. =)
SORRY PEOPLE I'M NOT IN THE MOOD OF BLOGGING NOW! - -- --- ---- ----- I FELT THE DAY 18/08/09 HAS PASS JUST SO QUICKLY. I wish the time can just stop by at any moment so I can enjoy my birthday. But I can't, I'm not the almighty God!
Will continue to post something about what did I do for my 20th birthday!
Well done Erica, you have finished 3 quarter of your HOA assignment. wahaha... Can't wait for tomorrow to come. but I got a presentation to be done in the morning. -.- Hope everything is gonna be fine tomorrow and everyone turns up for my special dinner. hehe
When I woke up this morning, I felt kind of pain somewhere around my stomach. I knew it was a sign of 'my monthly auntie is coming visiting me'. x_x and YEAH IT WAS! Damn I dint prepared for her visit!
Anywhere life is gonna continue ON-AND-ON.
Got my parents' email last night, andwarn me to delete the post which I STUPIDLY AND IDIOTICALLY posted my debit mastercard at my blog. I SHOULDN'T at the first place.
I have a bad feeling. My PC is getting slow and lagging, think I should delete some softwares and some useless stuff into the bin. I HATE LAGGING.
Songs I'm listening right now: 1. How you love me now - Hey Monday 2. Jai Ho! - Pussy Cat Dolls 3. My girlfriend - Sean Kingston 4. Zero gravity - David Archuleta 5. Down - Jay Sean ft Lil Wayne 6. Sad because I'm stupid (Boys Before Flowers OST) - SS501
Done my presentation question + successfully sent to my team member. TOP OF THE WORLD raining+thunderstorm+22 degree now
Gosh! I was suppose to get my Tuesday's presentation done by yesterday. + I promised myself I MUST finish it today. But look, the time now is five-past-seven (7.04pm), and all I did was busy looking at my Facebook, chating @ MSN, changing my desktop wallpaper and theme, + somemore checking on MAS, SIN, QANTAS, AIRASIA, TIGERAIRWAYS, JETSTAR (you name it), gosh...what a day! What's on my mind?
I must get started now, or else my team member will be mad at me. Gosh after this presentation, I got 2 more assignments to be handed up by 24/8. Help! Will you?
Random photos taken by random friends who embarrassed me.
I wasn't tag by anybody, I just somehow bored, trying something else to fill my time, so I tag myself and this was found in someone's blog.
1. How old were you when you had your first relationship ? --> 15 2. Are you taken/single? --> NA 3. Do you like anyone right now? --> Yup 4.. Ever had your heartbroken? --> Yup 5. Miss anyone right now? --> Yes! 6. Who was the last person you sent a text to? --> Jee 7. Last person to text you? --> Jee 8. Last person you saw? --> Elvina 9. What was the last thing you said to someone? --> What time you finish work? 10. Who is top in your top friends? --> (secret) 11. Who do you trust the most in your life? --> Myself 12. Who do you love most? --> My family and my love one 13. Ever been in love? --> Yups 14. Who has hurt you the most? --> Ex 15. Has a tragedy ever happened in your life? --> xxx 16. Are you happy? --> Kind of 17. How many good friends do you have? --> 2? 18. Are there some songs you cant listen to because they remind you of someone? --> yes! 19. Have you ever cheated on a partner? --> Y.e.a. 20. Ever been cheated on? --> Definitely! 21. Ever been told someone loved you? --> Yea 22. Ever told someone you loved them and meant it? --> Yea 23. Not meant it???? --> Nope 24. What is your idea of true love? --> Believe/trust, respect 25. Do you believe in love at first sight? --> Yes 26. Do you believe that it is best to have a friendship first then love? --> Yes, i guess so
Well, 3 weeks of uni life has just gone. TIME PASS yeah! Assignments+presentations+little group discussion+reference homework etc. Catching the bus, running after them almost everyday in the morning. How I hope I could just drive myself to uni, but WTH the parking fees are EXPENSIVE dude. And we UNI SA student has no great advantage for parking our cars. This week I've been spending on books and printer. =( Kind of broke now.
Phew* I got my commonwealth bank debit mastercard recently. HAHAHAHAHA =) very happy right now. I can use this card to purchase/shop online. Great I don't need to use someone else's master or credit card anymore. I'M FREE OF BUYING ANYTHING NOW, but I need to have cash in my bank acct. Gosh...=/
Thanks Ron for accompany me to those car dealers. I want/have to get rid of the Mazda 121 (1994) due to the high kms that the car has run so far. First and second dealers will only accept A$500. After that we went on and on, finally found one company which might want to buy my car for A$1300, but due to mechanical problem, which I'm not sure what's wrong, they wouldn't accept. =( What a sad news, my car only worth A$500. Some say A$500, 800, 1200 and even one men said he will get my car for A$1500, but after that he change his mind to only 800. What the... ... Anywhere I will go back tomorrow and try again.
What's wrong with me nowadays, I'm in the mood of Chinese new year. Listening to new year songs. LOL ... I can't wait to go home and enjoy those moment - eating, gambling, visiting and collecting 'ang-pao'. muahahaha... =)
Is this my longest post so far in blogger? LOL.. Haven't been blogging for a while. Right now: continue with my assessmentS and presentation stuff. !@#$%
Today tutorial is all about presentations I would say. Next week is gonna be me and group presenting MS. Poor me, I've only started typing the patient's case overview and the definition of MS. :< Now that I've finish my class but I'm still stuck here in the computer tools downloading BBF (save the internet usage at home, muahaha...). I WANT TO GO HOME! There are so many things to be done. Firstly my tutor has just approved my assessment for HOA to be due on the 24 Aug. It was originally to be hand in on 17 Aug. But I've request an extension for it for I've got presentation thingy for Scientific Basis 2 and another assignment due on 24 Aug. So all in 1, there are 3 assignments/homeworks to be done, so W-E-L-L D-O-N-E. (-.-") --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adelaide is really cold at night with bloody 6-8 degree while people in Malaysia was complaning of warm and hot weather and no rain drops. Maybe we should swap our position huh? =)
I had a movie night with my love one, Daniel, Ron & Esther on Wed night. This movie is a bit scary when the old women appears with her wicked face. ISh... There you go, this is her,Lorna Raver as Sylvia Ganush. Christine Brown has a good job, a great boyfriend, and a bright future. But in three days, she's going to hell...
Eii... Finally one week of Uni life has gone. I can't believe myself in a tall building with crowded people all around. There are bunch of things waiting for me, like printing lecture notes before going for lecture, I don't even know that we have to print all our lecture notes before going to lecture, there is no way the lecturer will feed us word-by-word. Gosh... this is what they call 'Uni Life'. NO MORE SPOON FEEDING! I have to start an independent life. Okay, first day in practical class, I was the ONLY GIRL who wore like party costume: short pants+boots+colorful top+black socks. -.-" Everyone was staring at me during the moment I entered the laboratory. At that piss off moment, I felt like hiding under the table. Immediately I apologized to the tutor, I promised that I won't make this mistake anymore. NEVER EVER!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Am I gonna cut down my working hours? Cause my working time would crush with my study time, but if I dont work, who's gonna feed me? @_+ Frus... ...